Benjamin Trabing

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I am a first year PhD. student at Colorado State University. My research interests include tropical meteorology and storm electrification. I have been conducting research on the complicated interactions between clouds, radiation, and hurricane dynamics. I am particularly interested in conducting research that will help lead to a better understanding and therefore the better prediction of rapid intensification and rapid weakening. You can find more information about me and my work HERE .


2018-Present     PhD. Atmospheric Science,         Colorado State University

2016-2018        M.S. Atmospheric Science,          Colorado State University

2012-2016        B.S. Meteorology,                  University of Oklahoma


  1. 2016 OU Libraries Undergraduate Research Award
  2. 2015 AMS Vic. Ooyama Named Scholarship
  3. 2014 NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Scholar
  4. 2014 Ronald E. McNair Scholar
  5. 2014 Oklahoma NASA GIS Fellowship


  1. Trabing, B. and M. M. Bell, 2018: Upper-Tropospheric Temperature Impacts in Idealized Hurricanes. 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. Ponte Vedra, Florida, 12C.4 [Available online at].
  2. Trabing, B. and M. M. Bell, 2017: Upper-Tropospheric Temperature Impacts in Idealized Hurricanes. 18th Cyclone Workshop, Sainte Adele, Quebec.
  3. Trabing, B., J.A. Knaff and K. Musgrave, 2016: Hurricane Observations Using Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks. Young Scientist Symposium for Atmospheric Research, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  4. Trabing, B., and J.A. Knaff, 2016: Analysis of Hurricanes Using Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks. 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 5D.2 [Available online at].
  5. Trabing, B., and J.A. Knaff, 2015: Analysis of Hurricane Odile Using Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks. Tropical Cyclone Workshop NCAR, Boulder, Colorado.
  6. Trabing, B. and D. MacGorman, 2014: Lightning Activity in 2014 Atlantic Tropical Cyclones. 29th Annual National Conference for Undergraduate Research, Spokane, Washington.


  1. Trabing, B. and M. M. Bell, 2017: Upper Tropospheric Temperature Impacts in Idealized Hurricanes. Colorado State University Graduate Showcase, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  2. Trabing, B., J.A. Knaff and K. Musgrave, 2016: Hurricane Observations Using Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks. Colorado State University Graduate Showcase, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  3. Trabing, B., and J.A. Knaff, 2016: Analysis of Hurricanes Using Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks. 20th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans and Land Surface, New Orleans, Louisiana, 96th AMS Annual Meeting, 660.
  4. Trabing, B. and D. MacGorman, 2015: Lightning Activity in 2014 Atlantic Tropical Cyclones. National Weather Association 40th Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


  1. Trabing, B. C., M. M. Bell, and B. R. Brown, 2018: Impacts of Radiation and Upper Tropospheric Temperatures on Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensity. J. Atmos. Sci., in press.